
Saint row 3 flying vehicles
Saint row 3 flying vehicles

To address this, we’ve gone back to formula and rewritten our airplane handling from scratch. Of course, what’s the point in being in a plane if you can’t fly it? One issue that was made painfully clear in playtests is that most players had major issues with the planes in Saints Row 2. Then, at the press of a button, blast off like an airplane.īianchi goes on to assuage some fears about the flying:

saint row 3 flying vehicles

Much like a Harrier Jet Fighter, these craft can take off vertically (like a helicopter), hover in place and target enemies with a high degree of precision. Saints Row: The Third will feature another new type of vehicle which has the slick acronym, VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing). As an added bonus, cars can be flattened, Bigfoot style, by the new tanks. Fortunately, the Saints Row: The Third team agrees and has improved the sense of weight in all of the cars which will create more satisfying collisions.Ĭars go crunch and will now look MORE crunchy! In addition to body damage, tire damage will now be more varied all the way from blowouts to your average (as average can be in a Saints Row game) flat tire. When driving in a game, nothing feels worse than having a Mack Truck slam into a Pinto and see equal damage. It will, however, allow you to take a tighter turn and you’ll look better doing it. Since it’s not a handbrake, hitting the drift button in Saints Row: The Third won’t slow you down too aggressively, allowing you to better maintain speed as you take the corner.

saint row 3 flying vehicles

There are many ways to drift and handbrake drifting (commonly used in games) is just one of them.

saint row 3 flying vehicles

An interesting note on the new drifting system: it’s not actually a handbrake.

Saint row 3 flying vehicles